Acupuncture Q & A
How does acupuncture work

How does acupuncture work

How acupuncture helps infertility - 2

How acupuncture helps infertility - 1

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What is Acupuncture ?
Acupuncture is an ancient medical treatment based on regulating the body's Qi (pronounced "chi"), or "life energy," which flows in the body along pathways called meridians. Hundreds of acupuncture points can be opened like gates to balance and harmonize the flow of Qi, relieving pain and many other symptoms of disease.
What kind of conditions are amenable?​
Acupuncture treatment treats most of the ailments, the common ailments are:
Low Back Pain, Arthritis, Sciatica, Sport Injuries, Neck, Shoulder pain, Frozen shoulder, Tennis elbow, Osteoarthritis, Muscle Strain, Strokes, Low libido, Impotence, Lose weight, Candida, Gastro problems, IBS, Gastroptosis, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Insomnia, Acute tonsillitis, Stress Control, Hypertension, Migraine, Headaches, Menopause, Infertility, Tinnitus, Sinusitis, Oedema, Acne, Diabetes, Quite smoking, Immunity Disorders, Uterine endometriosis, Premenstrual syndrome, Urinary dysfunction, Etc.
How does acupuncture work?
Most everything that happens in your body is occurring because neurons are conducting electrical signals between the brain and every cell in you body. Your body is magnificent at keeping itself alive and functioning. However, due to hazards such as physical trauma, poor diet, emotional duress, chronic stress, or toxic chemicals, our bodies are not always able to fully self correct. They sometimes need help! The Chinese have long recognized that energy in the body tends to follow specific pathways or "meridians". These meridians are really no more complicated than what we in the West recognize as a higher concentration of nerve impulses and blood flow. When the body is not functioning properly it is usually because the energy in these meridians is either flowing too much or too little. By inserting hair thin filaments into key points on the body, we encourage the body to re-establish its normal, healthy flow of energy. Symptoms then begin to disappear.
How long does each treatment take?
Treatment usually lasts for between 30 and 40 minutes. You may be treated first on one side of the body, say the back, and then be asked to turn over for treatment on the other side.
Why should I try acupuncture?
It's Safe and it's Effective!
By properly inserting these hair thin filaments into the proper acupuncture points, many or most cases of pain or dysfunction will improve or disappear completely. Often, we can help not only with the main problem you came in with, but other health issues you may have thought couldn't be helped. Drugs and surgery can be life saving and necessary treatments. When they perform optimally we are grateful for their use. However, they often do not perform optimally and the side effects can leave a patient worse off then when they first sought treatment.
Is acupuncture safe?
All properly trained acupuncturists who belong to one of the reputable, professional associations are stringent about safety. They use only sterilized, disposable needles so there's no risk of infection and insert them carefully and correctly to prevent any injury.
What should I expect during my first visit?
During your first office visit, the practitioner may ask you at length about your health condition, lifestyle, and behavior. The practitioner will want to obtain a complete picture of your treatment needs and behaviors that may contribute to your condition. Inform the acupuncturist about all treatments or medications you are taking and all medical conditions you have. The practitioner will look at the colour and shape of your tongue and its coating, and will feel pulses in different positions on each of your wrists. The practitioner feels for six pulses on each wrist that are believed to give information about each of the internal organs, as well as the body as a whole. As these pulses cant be measured, some people are skeptical about their existence. The acupuncturist may also press different acupuncture points, for example on your stomach or back, to check for tenderness or pain. The practitioner should explain the diagnosis and your treatment plan to you and give you an idea of what changes you may expect over what period of time. You will be asked to sit or lie on a treatment couch and may be asked to remove some clothing. Small, fine acupuncture needles will be inserted, either by hand or through a guide tube, at different points on your body, often on the wrists, ankles and feet, back and abdomen. As the needles are inserted, you should not feel anything apart from a mild sensation or slight soreness. It should not be painful.
Does it hurt?
No. Most people enjoy treatment and find it very comfortable, restful, and relaxing. Sometimes the needle insertion feels like a quick pinch that rapidly subsides. Some people report a mild tingling, heaviness, warmth, or a dull ache at the acupuncture point, which is a sensation of Qi moving. Generally sessions last about an hour, in which the patient rests or naps. After treatment, you can expect to feel less pain, more energy, and a heightened sense of well-being.Reduction of pain. Often the pain will return to some degree, but with follow-up treatments, the pain usually continues to diminish and their level of health continues to improve. Most of the time, when health has been restored, the patient does not need to return for regular treatments. The health improvements they receive are theirs to keep.
How many treatments will i need?​
The number of treatments required depends on the severity and duration of the symptoms to be addressed. For a cold or flu, one or two treatments can be very helpful. For chronic health conditions of years or even life-long duration, often a course of ten to fifteen or more treatments is recommended. Normally within the first 4-6 sessions, the effectiveness of the treatment is often evident and clear treatment goals should be established.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1981 has recommended the treatment of 43 sickness by acupuncture, which are listed below:
1 Acute Sinusitis
2 Acute Rhinitis
3 Common Cold
4 Acute Tonsillitis
5 Acute Bronchitis
6 Bronchial Asthma
7 Acute Conjunctivitis
8 Central Retinitis
9 Myopia (In Children)
10 Catarac (Without Complications)
11 Toothache
12 Post Extraction Pain
13 Gingivitis
14 Acute and Chronic Aryngitis
15 Spasms of Esophagus and Cardia
16 Hiccough
17 Gastroptosis
18 Acute & Chronic Gastritis
19 Hyperchlorhydria (Gastroxia)
20 Chronic Duodenal Ulcer
21 Acute Duodenal Ulcer
22 Acute & Chronic Colitis
23 Acute Bacillary Dysentry
24 Constipation
25 Diarrhea
26 Paralytic Ileus
27 Headache
28 Migraine
29 Trigeminal Neuralgia
30 Facial Palsy (Within 3 to 6 Months)
31 Pareses following a Stroke
32 Peripheral Neuropathy
33 Sequelae of Poliomyelitis
34 Meniere's Disease
35 Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction
36 Nocturnal Enuresis
37 Intercostal Neuralgia
38 Cervicobrachial Syndrome
39 Frozen Shoulder
40 Tennis Elbow
41 Sciatica
42 Low Back Pain
43 Osteoarthritis